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Two Harbors, MN

We welcome you to experience what it feels like to thrive on your healthcare journey and in the presence of the Mineral Kingdom.  With a full selection of pure, live-source, whole-food supplements and complex homeopathy as well as a full-service medical spa (including Massage, CranioSacral Therapy & Clay Therapies), we thrive providing effective, natural options and technical excellence supported by the intuitive arts. We respect your health care journey and will match your readiness.

Biofeedback Therapy Session

What to expect from a biofeedback therapy session 

If it is determined that quantum biofeedback is a good fit for you, you will schedule a session ranging in duration from 1 hour to 2.5 hours depending on the scope of your need or intent. 

During the session, you will be seated in a comfortable, reclining chair and we will offer you the warmth of a blanket to ensure you are relaxed and comfortable. You will be outfitted with various accessories including wrist and ankle bands and head harness. These make direct contact with your skin and will create no discomfort. 

Intake & Session Set-Up: During the first ten minutes of the session, we enter your personal information and ask you a few questions. At this time we will determine your intent for the session and I will ask you for three specific adjectives describing how you would like to feel after the session. You will be invited to connect with your inner self and your creator and then will be left alone with your intention for the calibration and testing processes to follow.

Calibration: This is a getting-to-know-you time, an electronic handshake between the computer software and your specific electrical signature.  Just like you have a unique DNA signature, you have a unique electrical signature. This time allows the biofeedback technology to achieve the most effective connection. 

Test: During this period, the biofeedback device is asking you a million questions 3 different ways to determine a very specific priority list of stressors from a list of over 11,000 items. This test will generate a list ranking stressors from most-reactive to least-reactive. 

Upon completion of the Calibration and Test, the practitioner will evaluate the specific energetic signatures (called VARHOPE) the device has measured. We then uses these are electrical measures to determine the state of stress in different aspects of your body, mind, environment, and spirit. 

Moving on, then, to the Main Matrix,  we are able to see the priority items ranked highest to lowest which usually tells a story about your big picture and where your innate wisdom wants to focus the session and the big picture of your life. From here, we proceed to various therapies. There are over 200 panels on the device, and we are capable of looking at the electrical signatures of any aspect of your health. These are found to be very accurate when compared to muscle testing, or lab tests when those are available. Throughout the therapy, a small percentage of people experience fluctuations in body sensation or “tingling”, but no discomfort is ever experienced.

The big picture of this device is that we have the ability to assess for stress and deliver a complimentary frequency for the purposes of bringing the body back to a state of homeostasis especially if there is mental or emotional stress that can be accessed and consciously processed through a series of conversations and coaching with the practitioner to bring about a deep sense of resolution. 
