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Two Harbors, MN

We welcome you to experience what it feels like to thrive on your healthcare journey and in the presence of the Mineral Kingdom.  With a full selection of pure, live-source, whole-food supplements and complex homeopathy as well as a full-service medical spa (including Massage, CranioSacral Therapy & Clay Therapies), we thrive providing effective, natural options and technical excellence supported by the intuitive arts. We respect your health care journey and will match your readiness.

The Local Gem

Stone Feature: Quartz with Black Manganese Oxide, Georgia

Cari Wright

Quartz with Black Manganese Oxide, Georgia, USA

“When you imagine you can be anything you choose, that is the beginning of it becoming true. We expand your consciousness and root your dreams. There is more to do, more to find, and more to be. But do it with humor and joy and remember the magic of this moment.”

These crystals are from the “Leopard Pocket” in Gwinnett County, Georgia at the Barrett Mine. Called “ghost quartz” because of their ethereal glow when backlit. 

Copyright © 2019 The Happy Crystal Shop

The Happy Crystal Shop is a living, breathing business. The Mineral Kingdom is well represented with stone buddies from all areas of the globe. At last count, we had over 3,000 stones living here. All respectfully handled, listened to and offered. 

The Happy Crystal Shop is open by appointment only. Custom stone listenings are available via phone for personal stones or new stones from our shop. We ship within 72 hours to anywhere within the Continental United States.

Cari Wright, HHP, Listener, Guide, Medical Intuitive, Coach

Cari Wright, HHP, Listener, Guide, Medical Intuitive, Coach

Cari has the ability to match people with stones. She listens to the stones and offers suggestions and yet the real magic of this equation is your willingness to show up, speak up clearly and consciously, and responsibly engage your spirit with the unique healing support of the mineral kingdom as an expression of the Beloved’s innate divinity and unconditional love for you and your spiritual development.  Cari's purpose is to act as a bridge to enhance your experience of your own inner knowing, wisdom and intuition. Cari is also a Holistic Healthcare Practitioner with a Holistic, BioEnergetic Clinic and Full-Service Medical Spa in Two Harbors, MN.

Disclaimer: This article and all other information on our website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented in this article or on the website are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation. No statement in this article or on the website has been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration or any other regulatory authority unless otherwise stated.  Any product mentioned or described on this website or within this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.