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Two Harbors, MN

We welcome you to experience what it feels like to thrive on your healthcare journey and in the presence of the Mineral Kingdom.  With a full selection of pure, live-source, whole-food supplements and complex homeopathy as well as a full-service medical spa (including Massage, CranioSacral Therapy & Clay Therapies), we thrive providing effective, natural options and technical excellence supported by the intuitive arts. We respect your health care journey and will match your readiness.






A healthy nervous system ensures effective communication and control for the body’s internal environment. Neurons, being high in fat, have a propensity for accumulating toxins. Neuro-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related of the nervous system.

For symptoms such as difficult concentration, twitching, tingling, spasms, numbness, irritability, and needle-like pains.

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Active Ingredients: Agaricus muscarius (Toadstool); Alumina; Arsenicum metallicum; Cadmium metallicum; Co Enzyme A; Conium maculatum (Poison Hemlock); Cuprum metallicum; Gelsemium sempervirens (Yellow Jasmine); Glandula suprarenalis suis (Adrenal Sarcode); Latrodectus mactans (Black widow spider, heart); Naja tripudians (Cobra venom); Phosphorus; Plumbum metallicum; Pyridoxinum hydrochloricum (B vitamin); Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy); Riboflavinum (B vitamin); Sarsaparilla; Tarentula cubensis (Cuban tarantula); Thiaminum hydrochloricum (B vitamin); Zincum metallicum.
Inactive Ingredients: Purified water 70%, Glycerine 15%, Ethanol 15%.