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Two Harbors, MN

We welcome you to experience what it feels like to thrive on your healthcare journey and in the presence of the Mineral Kingdom.  With a full selection of pure, live-source, whole-food supplements and complex homeopathy as well as a full-service medical spa (including Massage, CranioSacral Therapy & Clay Therapies), we thrive providing effective, natural options and technical excellence supported by the intuitive arts. We respect your health care journey and will match your readiness.






MycoCan-Chord (expanded to include the function of Myco-Chord) is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms associated with candida and exposure to mold or fungus. Candida imbalances often occur in a wide variety of situations such as poor diets or heavy metal or chemical exposure. Exposure to mold and fungus may occur through the respiratory tract, ingested food, or trans-dermally. The homeopathic elements of MycoCan-Chord were chosen to address these symptoms as well as the symptoms of the imbalanced terrain in which mold, fungi, and candida thrive.

For symptoms such as bloating, fatigue, white-coated tongue, white lesions in mouth, headaches, skin rashes worse with moisture, sugar cravings, vaginal discharge and itching, flatulence, brain fog, difficult respiration, “ringworm” eruptions, itching under scrotum, itching scalp, nail abnormalities

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Active Ingredients Alumina 15X (Aluminum Oxide); Avena sativa 4X (Oat Straw); Borax 8X, 12X; Candida albicans 16X, 30X; Carbolicum acidum 8X (Carbolic Acid); Ceanothus americanus 4X (Red Root); Echinacea 4X; Gaultheria procumbens 6X (Wintergreen); Glandula suprarenalis suis 9X, 12X, 6C, 12C (Adrenal Gland); Hydrastis canadensis 4X (Goldenseal); Linum usitatissimum 6X (Flax Seed); Lithium carbonicum 12X (Lithium Carbonate); Medulla ossis suis 9X, 12X, 6C, 12C (Bone Marrow); Natrum muriaticum 12X, 30X (Sodium Chloride); Phosphoricum acidum 12X (Phosphoric Acid); Phytolacca decandra 12X (Poke Root); Sarcolacticum acidum 12X (Sarcolactic Acid); Sepia 15X (Cuttlefish Ink); Silicea 12X, 30X (Silica); Solidago virgaurea 4X (Goldenrod); Tellurium metallicum 15X; Teucrium marum 6X (Cat Thyme); Zincum metallicum 15X. 
Inactive ingredients: Purified water 70%, Glycerine 15%, Ethanol 15%